Alissa Rae Funderburk
[Uh-lee-suh rAY fUHn-duhr-buhrk]
I am a Mississippi-based Oral Historian, focused on Black storytelling, interviewing and transcription.
I am currently available for freelance projects and speaking engagements.

My Background
I’m a Black woman of American and Jamaican descent and native New Yorker recently relocated to the Jackson, MS area. I shifted the focus of my career to oral history in 2017 because I wanted to dedicate myself to the stories and agency of my people.
2017 – 2019
Columbia Life Histories Project
2018 – 2020
2019 – Present
2020 – Present
Much of my passion for oral history stems from my desire to bring agency to the voices and narratives of Black people, within and without the ivory towers of academia, with the variety of language and feeling that is the nature of the culture.
Building Your Own Oral History Transcription Style Guide
Date: Friday, January 24 · 4:30 - 7:30pm CST
(2:30 PM - 5:30 PM PST, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM EST)
Format: Online [Register Here]
Alissa Rae Funderburk, instructor and creator of “Talking White”: An Anti-oppression View Towards Transcribing Black From the oral historian that piloted the Talking White: Transcribing Black Voices workshop in 2020, comes a workshop geared towards drafting unique transcription style guides that, while adhering to what unwritten, yet perhaps necessary, standards might exist across the field, also caters to your own project's needs. As always, the goal with oral history transcription is producing a useful document that honors our various narrators and the intricacies of their individual speech. In this three-hour virtual yet hands-on workshop, you'll receive a first hand step-by-step look at how the Margaret Walker Center Oral History Transcription Style Guide was created to do just this.
Participants of all skill levels and experiences are welcome; you do not need to have an existing style guide prepared for participation.